
Laura has been a plant based eater since her teens and is raising 2 boys as vegans. This site started as her story, their story about the tribulations and joys of being vegan. Laura posts as Weegannista

It’s also Grampy’s story. Grampy mostly posts as Vegannista but some times as Grampy.

Grampy is a new vegan since June 10, 2019. I’m 68, fat, a former extreme carnivore and changing my entire lifestyle at once. Gave up vaping and got an eBike that I’m riding almost daily.

I want to live as long and engaged as my 99 year old mom who is currently planning her 100th party. I’m begging her to keep the invitation list to under 200.

Since Laura is busy with 2 wild, loving boys, I’ll be posting what she shares about the #Weegans Mostly the site will be my story, my journey and I hope you can follow along.

In addition to our stories and recipes, we will be posting content from other, recommended sites.

Thank you for visiting