Home Fries from Roasted Potatoes
Food,  Grampy's Journey,  Recipes,  Vegannista

Home Fries from Roast Taters

I love home fries for breakfast and still make them how my mom taught me in the 60s’. The secret to mom’s home fries, yesterday’s leftover roast potatoes!

Home fries
So much comfort

Roast Potatoes make the absolute best home fries, and they make it quick too. Whenever I make roast potatoes, I make extra. Actually there are many dishes I double or quadruple so as to keep my refrigerator full of quick meals.

I like Yukon Gold but sometimes use a mix of gold and red. This batch is actually made from Russets that were the only ones I had in the house last evening.

Simply cut up your leftover potatoes, add extra sweet onion and some bell pepper. Sauté in a little oil over a medium high flame.

For some added flavor and color, my mom always added a touch of ketchup. Purely optional but I’ve never made them without ketchup and I do love them.

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