Food,  Vegannista

Silver Queen Season

Silver Queen corn
The Most Wonderful Corn on Earth
Silver Queen

Yes! It’s finally the season for corn dinners. Corn as the main course and only course because, Silver Queen Corn on the cob.

Silver Queen has been the favorite of northern corn lovers for as long as I’ve been alive. It’s not one of the newer “sweet” hybrids. It’s naturally sweeter than any other corn, period. And the small kernels snap when properly cooked.

Silver Queen Corn with Earth Balance and salt
My two ears dinner with Vegan Butter substitute and salt

Once upon a time, The New York Times had a great article about one person’s search for Silver Queen. R.W. Apple Jr tells the history and goes into why it can be hard to find.

Like I said above, it’s not one of the new sugar enhanced hybrids and you better eat it fresh. It will lose it’s goodness overnight and I don’t blame the growers who would rather grow sweet corn which has a long shelf-life too. But when, like me, you live a few miles from two farm stands with SQ, you just might eat some every day.

I boil mine for 8 or 9 minutes and sometimes grill them after a good soaking in salt water which I wrote about in last year’s Silver Queen post. I’m also old school and love my corn sloppy buttered with Earth Balance Original and lightly salted.

Another good story is this history of Maryland’s Silver Queen Corn

If you ever have the opportunity to try Silver Queen, just do it. You’ll be spoiled for life!

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Exploring my new plant-based diet and the life style that comes with Veganism